Hi there! I’m Claire, a 12 year old girl who loves baking and selling pies, and this is my website. I live in Arizona have a great dog named Weston, and I like eating my creations. I enjoy hanging out with my friends Alexa and Kylie. My favorite three-letter word in the English language? P-I-E.
The history of pies:
They’re simple, and on Thanksgiving, everybody saves room for them. But the pies we know today are a recent addition to a history that goes back a long time. In medieval England, they were called pyes, and instead of being sweet, they were often filled with meat and spiced with pepper or dates. pie’s origins trace to the Greeks, which they made the crust by combining water and flour. The wealthy Romans used many different kinds of meats, even seafood in their pies. Meat pies were also often part of Roman dessert. Cato recorded the popularity of this treat, and a cheesecake-like dish called Pla centa (PLA-KENTA).
I just wanted to put that there because why not.